Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Who do you Adore?

I have always wanted a little girl, even when I was a little girl.  When I played with dolls, they were only girl babies and I dreamed of having my own little girl one day.  I worried that I might not be able to have my own baby.  I'm adopted and hoped I would be so lucky as to give birth to my own baby.   I'll be honest when I was pregnant I hoped it would be a girl (of course I wanted a healthy baby and would've been happy no matter what).  The day she was born made me feel like the luckiest girl alive.  My dream came true--a little girl entered my life, the one I had been hoping for since forever.

She's now ten, but she's still my baby, and she's my everything.  This is probably why so much of my art is on the girly side and why when I title my paintings, I think of the love I have for my daughter, Isabella.

This recent painting I finished is called "I Adore You" because I know what it feels like to be completely enamored by a sweet little girl.  When I think of the women who can't have babies, like I once worried about, I feel crushed for them.  I hope all my gushing in this post doesn't make anyone feel bad about where they are in their lives.  Not my intention at all.

I just wanted to share this painting and tell you my inspiration behind many of my girly creations. 

Who's that person in your life that you simply adore?


  1. I love this and I love the name "Isabella!"

  2. i am in love with the first sentence of your blog post. it's perfect. and, i can so relate! xo

  3. Such a sweet post. I adore my son. I, opposite from you, didn't want children, but was blessed nonetheless. He made all the difference in the world to my life and to who I am today.

  4. Hey ladies! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a message. It's nice to hear from you. I'm glad you can relate:)

    It's amazing how much a child can change/shape who we are today. I must say I'm a much more patient person as well as a more "enjoy THIS moment" person since I became a momma.


  5. I must admit the same about adoring my children. Never thought I would be a mom. Best thing I ever did though.

  6. Thanks, Deborah--I'm glad to hear they have really blessed your life.


  7. Your daughter is really pretty and I love your painting! Wini xo


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