Oh, yes, I guess, that cute little lapdog Mazie I love too...most of the time! She is high-maintenance to tell you the truth, but she has brought lots of joy to all our lives.
Aside from these two loves of my life, I have the sweetest little niece that I'm completely enamoured with---which brings me to another love--BABIES. I am drawn to their big, smiling eyes, their chubby cheeks, chunky legs and their pure joy. I am still sad that I could only have one baby of my own, but my little niece gets lots of love and attention by me. How could she not? Look at her!
In addition to these lovable people in my life, I'd like to share one more thing that brings me great joy...
PAINTING of course. Here are a few of my favorites that I guess I do "love" either because of the intent behind them or just the feeling I get from how they turned out.
© Jill's Dream Artwork (this one is still for sale in my shop too!)
© Jill's Dream Artwork
Above, I really loved the process of making it because of the colors, the inspiring and motivational quote AND the leaves and flowers are actual pieces from a journal page I created, so there's a lot of "me" in it. It is truly one of my favorites--it sold at a boutique I have things in and I wish I could've met the person who bought it because I like to meet the people who buy my creations.
I'm also taking an online painting class called True Free Spirit given by the wonderful Mindy Lacefield. It's pretty much out of the zone of what I typically paint and I'm loving this class--it's whimsical, funky and teaching me to be free and child-like! Here's a sample of a few things I've created or am still in the process of creating in this fun class. No they aren't perfect...but I'm really having fun learning new techniques, using new supplies and expanding my horizons.
I hope you have tons of people, events, hobbies and "things" in your life that bring you joy and love. Happy Valentine's Day!