Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl

Today is my daughter's 10th birthday.  I know it's cliche, but wow, does time fly.  I keep telling her I'm not going to let her get any older--she doesn't like that at all--she wants to grow up fast just like the rest of us probably did when we were younger.  I absolutely loved the baby stage with her, so I'm having a hard time seeing her grow and change into a young woman.  I know young woman sounds a bit odd for a ten-year-old, but she's no longer my little chubby baby with tons of sweet rolls all over.  She's closer to young woman than baby now, though she says she will always be my baby.

Isabella, I wish you love, joy, laughter, happiness, silliness, strength, inspiration, motivation and the confidence to be yourself and to do what is true for you.

I'll be honest I worry a lot about what the future holds for her.  I don't ever want her to feel deep sadness, but I know that's not realistic.  I pray that she makes the right choices when big ones come up for her as she approaches her teen years.  I know worrying is a waste of time.  I think I know that.  So I try to live now and enjoy every sweet (and frustrating) moment I have with her.  She makes me smile, laugh and has brought such breathtaking joy to my life.  I'm so lucky to be her mom and be with her to celebrate her 10th birthday.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl !

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