I've never been much good at keeping resolutions. Not sure if they were just too ambitious or just not specific enough, but this year I've picked just one word to be my focus for 2012.
Commit. One little word that is full of so many things, however. A sweet friend helped me with this and told me that I can have little "sub-words" to go along with my main word because there is soooooo much I want to
DO in this new year and so often I want to...and start to...but don't follow-through. Therefore, if I say that little word "commit" to myself when I start feeling a bit lazy or unfocused, hopefully I'll get something done.
Here are a few sub-words that I really want to commit to focusing on. These are some categories I need to follow through in, DO what needs to get done to make positive changes:
Get in Financial Order
Create Create Create
Initiate more avenues for my ART
Healthy Living (focus on exercise, eating and meditation)
Also, I've been wanting to attend a "real" creative retreat, not just on-line. Don't get me wrong, ecourses are great, amazing actually, but last year I made an intention to see Flora Bowley IF she ever comes close to home. Well....she IS coming to Wisconsin! Even though money is an issue with me only working part-time, I feel like I need to make this dream, this goal happen for me. I need to commit to figuring out the steps to do this, even if it's tough right now, because it is so important to me.

I'm not going to go into all the things I plan to commit to listed above, but I'm keeping in my mind that when I start something I need to commit to it and follow through or it will be just another quickly vanished resolution. If it means enough, I need to focus and come up with a plan to "get the job done" so maybe this year can be a bit different than all the other years gone by. I'm also turning 40 in about a week, so for some reason, I feel like I just need to step things up a bit and take control of my life and my happiness. Along with this happiness, I intend to work on finding more peace and plan to do that through meditating. I've never felt quite at peace with myself and must focus on taking the time to find quiet and just sit on a regular basis. I know it will make a huge difference in helping me focus and get things taken care of that I want to.
Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you are having the start to a great year yourself!
Do you have an intention for the new year? I'd love to hear about it--I am always inspired by fellow bloggers.
If you'd like some more inspiration, some friends of mine that I took Flying Lessons with are participating in sharing their "one word" for 2012 in a
Fly Tribe blog hop.
Stop by and see what they've got planned.