Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome 2012! Commit is my WORD for the new year.

I've never been much good at keeping resolutions.  Not sure if they were just too ambitious or just not specific enough, but this year I've picked just one word to be my focus for 2012. Commit.  One little word that is full of so many things, however.  A sweet friend helped me with this and told me that I can have little "sub-words" to go along with my main word because there is soooooo much I want to DO in this new year and so often I want to...and start to...but don't follow-through.   Therefore, if I say that little word "commit" to myself when I start feeling a bit lazy or unfocused, hopefully I'll get something done.

Here are a few sub-words that I really want to commit to focusing on.  These are some categories I need to follow through in, DO what needs to get done to make positive changes:

Get in Financial Order
Create Create Create
Initiate more avenues for my ART
Healthy Living (focus on exercise, eating and meditation)

Also, I've been wanting to attend a "real" creative retreat, not just on-line.  Don't get me wrong, ecourses are great, amazing actually, but last year I made an intention to see Flora Bowley IF she ever comes close to home.  Well....she IS coming to Wisconsin!  Even though money is an issue with me only working part-time, I feel like I need to make this dream, this goal happen for me.  I need to commit to figuring out the steps to do this, even if it's tough right now, because it is so important to me.

I'm not going to go into all the things I plan to commit to listed above, but I'm keeping in my mind that when I start something I need to commit to it and follow through or it will be just another quickly vanished resolution.  If it means enough, I need to focus and come up with a plan to "get the job done" so maybe this year can be a bit different than all the other years gone by.  I'm also turning 40 in about a week, so for some reason, I feel like I just need to step things up a bit and take control of my life and my happiness.  Along with this happiness, I intend to work on finding more peace and plan to do that through meditating.  I've never felt quite at peace with myself and must focus on taking the time to find quiet and just sit on a regular basis.  I know it will make a huge difference in helping me focus and get things taken care of that I want to.

Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you are having the start to a great year yourself! Do you have an intention for the new year?  I'd love to hear about it--I am always inspired by fellow bloggers.

If you'd like some more inspiration, some friends of mine that I took Flying Lessons with are participating in sharing their "one word" for 2012 in a Fly Tribe blog hop.
Stop by and see what they've got planned.


  1. Commit - such a grand word, indeed! and, most importantly, taking the time to find quiet and just sit on a regular basis. <3 that!!! Much luck and love to you! *so excited about your Flora class!!!* xoxox

  2. I love your word. Mine is BE, and I know that meditating should go along with that. I might need to borrow your word tho, in order to commit to meditating, because otherwise I am not sure I will follow thru ;) Happy Birthday, Jill in advance- it is going to be a grand year for you, I just know it!!!

  3. Jill -- I am so glad my words inspired you! I am impressed with your word for the new year, commit. This word encompasses so many things and will be a great guide for you. And yes, find a way to attend a local art retreat!

  4. wonderful word for the new year. so great to be flying with you this. happy creating!

  5. Commit is actually a very brave word. Its something we all shy away from. I am sure you will go after your list and accomplish much...because the first step is committing and you are already there!!!

  6. Good for you, Jill! I know finding your word came with much thought and consideration. Know that your tribe will help in every way we can!

  7. I have an alarm on my iphone that says "Commit to your dream" every morning!

  8. Wow--it's so great that you all stopped by. I don't know how to comment individually after each of your replies or even if that's possible on Blogger. I would love to know. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. Christina--what a great feature you have on your iphone!


  9. Wow that is a really courageous word. I wish you all the luck in the world and look forward to hearing how it goes for you. Go Jill!

  10. Commit to follow your dreams Jill and I'm sure wonderful things will happen for you.

  11. Great word, Jill! You have set the intention for some awesome goals this year. I really hope you get to take the Flora B. class and tell us all about it. Look forward to watching your journey as you commit to wonderful things throughout 2012!

  12. Hi Jill, commit is a great word, i hope that you make it to that class. Hope you have a great 2012.

  13. Jill, you have committed to the word commit!!! Great word. You will get into the Flora workshop and you will have the most awesome time.

  14. Hi Jill- you know, I like your word quite a bit. I think of it more in terms of making a commitment to yourself. We so often commit ourselves to death to other people, causes, activities. But it is important to commit to ourselves to. My word "forgiveness" also has a bit of commitment in it. As in, that when I forgive myself I have committed to taking care of me. To loving me.

  15. Powerful word, Jill. It's a take charge kind of word. Well done you, for stepping up and choosing it. You'll get to that Flora Bowley workshop, I feel it in my bones. Happy flying!

  16. Beautiful word and intention, Jill. Have a great year full of discovery! I hope you will share your retreat experiences with us!

  17. Jill,

    You chose a great word! Last year my word was commitment! I was totally committed to DO things I wouldn't normally and here I am sharing with you and other flyers dreams and goals for a better self! Thank you for reminding me that follow through is important!

  18. Excellent word choice, Jill! Wishing you great success with your intention and goals. I know you'll make that retreat and all your dreams happen!

  19. Great word, COMMIT! So many times we have good intentions and then never follow through.

  20. Great word Jill!!!! Good for you for pushing yourself!!! Best of luck in 2012!!!

  21. I love your word Jill! That's awesome!!!!

  22. Glad you went with commit. I think you'll find intention to be very powerful. And meditation is a real plus to it all.

  23. Hi Jill! I am so happy to be a fellow flyer with you. I love your post on the word "commit" and it is such a wonderful reminder that the foundation of anything we want to bring in the world is COMMITMENT. I agree with the others who think this is gonna be a great year for you. I can feel it in the energy of your post! :-)

  24. I feel so amazingly surrounded by encouragement from all of you right now after reading your kind words. I am so glad I found this group because I feel with your energy this WILL be a great year for me. Thank you so so much.


  25. I can relate so much with your word. It's so easy to get sidetracked or find yourself all over the word is connect and someone let a very funny but good remark. She helps herself stay on track by having an egg timer near by....I just might have to dig mine out!

  26. Hi Jill - commit is a great word! I haven't yet settled on a word but I am drawn very much to commit - it is something that keeps popping up for me over and over, especialy in relation to creating art. Ok, I hereby commit to coming up with my word for 2012!! Hope you achieve your dreams in 2012. xx

  27. I'm the Queen of not following through, so I really appreciated your words. I hope 2012 ia everything you are hoping it will be.

    Happy Birthday to you! I hope it's a great year for you!

  28. What an awesome word Jill! So, so excited for you to see the fruition of what will happen when you do Commit. I hope and pray for you that all that you long and hope for will come about, that you will find a serenity and focus this year in your Word. And that it will bring you guidance when you feel lost. Much Love to you xoxo

  29. Jill, look at you go! Commit is a fantastic word. I just know that your commitment in 2012 will bring you many, many great things! Happy New Year!

  30. Jill - what a fabulous word for you! Enjoy the journey as you commit during 2012. xoxo

  31. Jill, commit is such a great word for the new year! I hope you get to your dream retreat! I can't wait to hear about it!! Happy creating!! ;-)

  32. It's funny how I see the words and I think how it could work for me too! That isn't easy, but when I've felt accompished, it's the best feeling

  33. Jill, we are so going to hold you accountable for your word "commit"I know you are not the only one out there who could use this word for guidance....I think a few of us are just a wee bit scared of it. A very powerful word...I hope it serves you well! Julie

  34. Jill, I wish you the best for 2012. Your choice of the word "Commit" is just awesome!

  35. Awesome, Jill! I'm glad you have committed to commit. :) I'm so happy to know you and see you along in this journey.

    xoxo L

  36. Great word - I'm sure it will work wonders in 2012 for you !

  37. A friend of mine recently shared with me that research shows that folks can sometimes get stuck in different parts of the creative process. I get stuck in follow-thru too. She shared that recognizing where we get stuck can be a force in getting through it. You are on your way then. :) Looks like a powerful year for you. Thank you for being on the road with me this year. I am looking forward to having your Joy pendant. I think it will be just what I need. :)

  38. A great word and a great post! You are way ahead of me on getting your life together. I was almost 50 when I first really realized that it was up to me to stop waiting around for things to happen and start going after the life I desired. I look forward to this year and traveling with my Flying companions!

  39. I love that you identified some "sub" intentions next to your one word. I did the same thing last year. My word was "balance" but I felt it needed to BE balanced by another word. This year I feel like my word kind of encompasses so many things, I can grow with it as the year progresses.

    You will LOVE being 40. It is when you begin to truly step into all of your power and get comfortable in your skin. May it be brilliant and all that you desire!

  40. Thanks, again, Ladies! I now feel like I really have some accountability to commit and follow through because I have written about it and you all know about it. Thanks for encouraging me. I've already done a few things these past two days that I probably would've put off if it weren't for whispering the word "commit" to myself.


  41. Commit is a word of power, believing in its action is the test - be strong, listen to the whispers and let them lead you where they may.

  42. That is an awesome word! I look forward to reading more in the coming year. I am turning this 40 this year as week, and also feel like I don't want to waste any more time not doing what I am truly passionate about.

  43. Commit is a fantastic word Jill!! Wishing you a wonderful year filled with creativity, prosperity, happiness and peace!! My word is Shine. xo

  44. Commit is a great word. The word I'm using--actually I have two--move and finish :D

  45. Jill... good luck on your journey this year. Commit is another great word that I have seen in out blog hop.

  46. A great word indeed! And thanks so much for following my little creative journey. And I am with ya on the 40.....around the corner for me to. And looking forward to it!!

  47. I adore your word. We have some similar intentions for our year. Meditation has cultivated so many changes in my life. I wish you the best of luck in committing to yourself and your actions.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I actually haven't started meditating yet! Thanks for the reminder:) I still feel like I have Christmas stuff out that I need to get packed away downstairs. Thanks for your visit.


  48. Youre so right, don't waste a minute! I will be a decade older than you this year and it goes faster every day! I know since your post you've gotten into Floras class so you're at the beginning of all your intentions! Go Jill!

  49. Thanks, Susan! I agree that these days and years are flying by. It's starting to scare me a bit, like I really need to soak up every single moment, BUT I don't want to be freaking out about it either because then I'll just be in a state of worry.



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