As I'm sure you've heard many times, "wow-time flies!" Can't believe another year is almost over. I've been already thinking so much on how I want the new year to be, but first I think I need to look back at all the great things about 2011. The goals I reached and the good things that happened.

Some people might think, whoopie you took two online classes, big deal. But they really were a big deal for me this year. A life-changing big deal.
A few personal things that made 2011 a good year were my kidney disease going in remission. My lupus was also affected by kidney disease a few years ago, so I went through 18 months of chemotherapy and finally this year, the doctor gave me the good news about my kidneys doing great. What a happy relief for me.
Lastly, this summer I decided to join Weight Watchers and lost 21 pounds in three months. A few years ago I gained 25 pounds in a month and a half due to being on a high dose of prednisone and finally, this summer I had had enough of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I was on a low enough dose that I couldn't use the medication as a weight gain reason anymore. I actually didn't think I could do it because I really love my food, but I did and what an amazing accomplishment for me. Now, I just need to keep it off, eat healthy and get on a regular exercise routine because 40 is fast approaching!
There you have it. Those are just a few great things about 2011 that stand out in my mind. I have many more things to be thankful for this year, bu these are the ones that are biggies for me. What about you? Do you have something that happened in 2011 that you are pretty grateful for? I'd love to hear about it.