Monday, August 1, 2011

August Break - Photo a Day

Susannah Conway of the blog Notes on Unravelling the Heart has started August Break 2011 in which other bloggers share a photo a day, Monday - Friday.   Since I love photographs, I'm going to start today and share some of my recent finds!

Recently we spent a week up at my parents' cabin in St. Germain on Lost Lake and I found this photo of my dad as a teenager and just love it.  It's vintage (taken about 1957) and it's my dad, whom we lost four years ago.  It's neat to see him as a young boy feeding a deer, kind of a tender moment.  My dad wasn't an outwardly tender man, so this is a neat side to see of him.   This photo was also taken up north in the same area we go to now which is a great coincidence.

He is missed by many...

1 comment:

  1. That's a precious photo - I can relate to finding old photographs of my own father that revealed a side of him I didn't really know.


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