Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Are you a brave girl?

Yesterday I began my journey with the Brave Girls Club and started the Soul Restoration on-line course and I can't believe how full of energy I am just since I started.  I don't know what it is!  Maybe it's that I'm taking some time for myself and trying to figure out what really belongs in my life and that is actually exciting.  Usually by this time at night (8:24) I really am sleepy and ready for bed, but not tonight or last night.  Hey, I'll take it!

So far, I've watched some inspiring videos by the amazing hosts of the course, created some art and did some journaling.  I can't wait to see what transpires if I already feel this way after two days!

Anyone else out there part of this group?  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Hi Jill!!!

    Amy from luniebin! Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting....I really am loving SR...It is very refreshing....I am really embracing the process.....I am trying to understand and implement my boundaries...I am having a hard time setting my boundaries and not letting people in.....I will get it...eventually......How is it going for you? Are you enjoying the process?

  2. Yes, I really am enjoying it, Amy. It's hard to explain but I feel lots more energy--is that possible--just from 2 days? I'm not thrilled with my cover--I wish I could do it over though. Oh well--I just need to accept it--it's done and move on!

  3. I feel the same way...I look forward to getting up so that I can work on stuff and read the forum stuff.....Can you re-do your cover? I made mine pretty simple.....I did a couple pages in the front of my book and now I am constructing my soul house...I really am loving this process.....I am not feeling any fear...I am feeling relief......

  4. Jill: Are you still doing the online course? Still like it? How much time does it require? I'd like to take it after the holidays.

  5. No, that session is over. There is another one going on right now--not sure if you can still sign up or not. I'd say it requires a few hours per week, but they stress to you NOT to stress about about it--do what you can. I got a lot out of it and would recommend it. Again, not sure if you can still sign up--go over to the brave girls website and see if it is or when it will be offered again. Also know that I work part-time, so if you work full-time it might be more for you to handle--just something to think about. Good luck!


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