Monday, May 16, 2011

A Heartfelt Thank You to Art

I know it may seem weird, but I want to thank Art for helping me heal.  Yes, I truly believe that when I got really low and my lupus was at its worst, starting to paint regularly helped me toward getting better physically and emotionally.  It also led me to leave my teaching job, helping me realize it wasn't the right fit for me after all.
I'm sure some people think this is quite hokey, but I truly believe art does heal.  It made me come alive and search my soul for what it really needed which was more art and being true to me.

I used to constantly worry about everything...everything!  But when I'm painting or collaging, all that worry goes away.  I get lost.  A good lost.  It has taught me to be in the moment and not worry about what did happen or what could possibly happen (or not!).  It has brought me peace, much needed peace that a worrier often lacks.

So, again, Thank You've changed my life.

Thank You note to Art, for crescendoh’s Art Saves feature

Please visit Stephey Baker at Marked by the Muse to see her story of how Art Saves.


  1. WOW! This is a great thank you! It's so true isn't it, how when engaging art we simply disappear and want for nothing. That moment is such a healing moment when those worries dissipate into the void. I believe those are the moments we're in perfect alignment with our soul. Thank you so much for sharing your hART and participating in this months writing prompt. Hope you're well. All my Best, stephey :)

  2. Wonderful Jill.. I feel the same way.. I feel the best when I'm creating... I feel so so good!

  3. Great post here! Yes, art is so much more than just the icing on the cake. And art truly does heal and soothe the soul! Glad to be joining your journey!

  4. Yeah to all three of you! It IS so powerful. I just wish the naysayers would give it a try! It's not only fun or the "icing" on the cake--it's much more than that for sure. It is something I can't wait to do when I get home from work each day. It's great to be surrounded by other believers:)

  5. Oh Jill, I so agree about the magical and healing power of fully embracing one's ART. I am honored to have the opportunity to know your story and get to know you and the ART you create.

  6. I love that moment when you're so into the art zone everything falls away. Beautiful post!


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