As the new year approaches I am looking forward to a fresh start as I'm sure you all are. One major thing I really want to work on is acceptance...I have a hard time accepting "what is" - A LOT. I know I'd be more at peace and happier if I could just accept what is and try not to obsess over something I can't change.
Something else I'm looking forward to is being more open and painting more freely and I'm hoping to do that while taking the online class True Free Spirit with Mindy Lacefield. I'm sure I first saw her art over a year ago or so and I was instantly drawn to her childlike, whimsical and colorful creations.
Artwork at right from Tim's Sally/Mindy Lacefield
I truly hope I can really connect with my true self through my art and really free up any blocks I have when creating...I see her art as a way to also connect with my inner-child. I hope you'll stop back throughout the course and see some of my creations that I make while taking this class.
Are you looking forward to any new events or changes in 2013? I'd love if you'd share them!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Happy New Year to you all!